Balkan body music in July

Our vacation is slowly coming to an end. Summer festivals times are arriving! First the Folkest World Music Showcase in San Daniele, Italy, and then Balkan body music travels the furthest to the north we’ve ever been, to Finland.

For the first time we will be at the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival. On July 11, we will have a concert on the Mondo stage. On July 13, we will conduct a morning workshop with Vilma Talvitie, and in the evening we will have a joint concert on the Nordgren Hall stage. The performances and the workshop in Kaustinen were supported by the mobility fund of the Secretariat of Culture of the City of Novi Sad.

By the end of the month, we travel to Ghent for the Trefpunt festival, which is part of the famous Gentse Feesten. We will perform a concert on July 20, and we will also conduct a workshop for all ages and perfrom Kiss Musical Comedy on July 21. This is part of the Sounds of Europe project.

After a few days, on July 26, we travel to Trenčín in Slovakia to perform at the city concert series Musical Picnic.

Check out the videos we filmed at the residency in November 2023 in Serbia

See you in August in Sremski Karlovci at the New Balkan Rhythm festival?

In the middle of June, we performed at the summer festival in Rosenheim (Sommer in Rosenheim). The opening of the event was followed by a cultural dinner (KulturDINDIN), where each group of artists who participated showcased a short performance. In the evening, we performed in the Bürgerstiftung Rosenheim cultural center. The concert was special, in the small space of the old printing house, completely acoustic. Seeing a room full of people with drinks in their hands, who are perfectly quiet and calm during our performance was as much a compliment as the big applause we were rewarded with after each song.

Balkan body music in the press

Read the interview Daryana Antipova did with us for the German magazine Folk Galore. We talked about musical influences, plans for the future, a favorite song from the repertoire, the tour, the MOST Music project, the New Balkan Rhythm festival and many other topics. You can order the magazine here. Thanks to Daryana, our music was also heard in Bloomington.

You can read about our concert in Bytom at the Rozbark Theater on the official website of Miasto Bytom.

You can also watch a short feature about us in the show Kulturni dnevnik (Cultural news) from June 12. Thanks to Miona Stanimirović for the invitation and the parts of the interview she chose. We are glad that we talked about cosmopolitanism and the Balkans as our home on Radio Television of Serbia. Our work ties us mostly to abroad, but we do not leave Serbia and we try to contribute to making it a better place to live, as well as to present it in the right way in the eyes of the world.

Slavik is born!

You could hear about the new music video Ko peva zlo ne misli and the collaboration with the Polish duo CISI in Serbia and abroad. On the radio, our music was presented by Nikola Glavinić in the show Rendevu s muzikom, SALEtanje, the show in Spanish Mundofonias (28′) which is broadcast all over the world, the American WORT FM from Wisconsin in the Hejira World Music Radio Show. Our dear friend Vladimir Potančok featured us in the show Hudba sveta (in the archive select May 29). On June 26 we were presented by Grit Fridrih in the show Folk und Welt on MDR Kultur. Also, thanks to Etnoumlje magazine and portal for announcements.

Did you know our project has a new name: Slavik? We intend to continue this cooperation, in November we are recording together again. More information coming soon!

Rab sessions

When you are on vacation, what do you do? Work, of course! The idea to record Rab Sessions came spontaneously, when a friend, Mladen Ergić, visited us. Why don’t we record something?

Enjoy the wonderful sound of the stone square in the Old Town of Rab, crickets and summer light. Every Wednesday until the end of this month there will be a premiere of a new video at 7 PM on our YouTube channel.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel, if you haven’t already. Every interaction means a lot to us, because it’s a free way to support us: share the video with your friends, give it a like. You are actually giving us what is most valuable: your time and attention. We are extremely grateful for that.

March body music echoes from Slovenia

One of our favorite performances in Slovenia is the concert we held in the hostel (and cultural center) Celica in March. We were joined at the concert by many dear friends, old and new, as well as guests of the hostel who happened to be there. Once again we had the opportunity to experience that it is so easy to create a community from complete strangers with the love and dedication we offer to the audience.

The concert was organized by Karla Gačnik Gašparič (KUD Sestava) as part of the World Harmony cycle in cooperation with our booking agent in Slovenia, Helena Jarm. The author of the photos is Jan Prpič. We waited to see them for some time, but it was worth it. What do you say?


We are returning to body music workshops in Belgrade in September and October! We found a wonderful space, the Svitac kindergarten, the headquarters of the association of Waldorf pedagogy in Serbia, and in this space an even more beautiful community. Apply here.

We are traveling to South Korea in October! For the first time in this part of the world, we will perform at the Gwangju Busking World Cup competition.

For the festival in Gwangju, we were selected from more than 900 applicants from 58 countries around the world, as one of 32 groups that will compete in the finals for high cash prizes in the amount of tens of thousands of euros. We represent Serbia at this competition. We made it to the finals with the song Uči me majko, karaj me, which we recorded at the concert at the opening of the New Balkan Rhythm festival in Sremski Karlovci last year.

07/06 Folkest World Music Showcase, San Daniele Del Friuli, Italy
07/08 workshop, Rijeka, Croatia
07/11Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, short showcase performance, Kaustinen, Finland
07/11 Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, concert
07/13 Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, concert with Vilma Talvitie
07/20, 07/21 Trefpunt festival, Ghent, Belgium
07/26 Musical Picnics concert series, Trenčin, Slovakia
08/10 Maraton hudby, Brno, Czech Republic
08/11 Smolenice Castle, Slovakia
08/13 Hudební léto na hradbách, Přerov, Czech Republic
08/17 World Music Festival Bratislava, Slovakia
08/18 – 08/25 Tour in Slovakia, more info soon (Zvuk for Štiavnica, Zvuk for Modra / Spectaculum production)
08/31 New Balkan Rhythm festival, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia
09/06 Večeri udaraljkaša, concert, Križevci, Croatia
09/22 St. Gallen, Switzerland
10/03 Gwangju Busking World Cup, Gwangju, South Korea

See how it was at the Music Meeting festival in Nijmegen, a feature of body music from Serbia in Kulturni dnevnik and the performance of the song Uči me, majko, karaj me, with which we qualified for the Gwangju Busking Worldcup competition. Check out the short video from the concert of Slavik in Krakow!