Gingerbread with lemon and cranberry

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Gingerbreads with lemon and cranberry were created just for the cold, rainy October days – but they can be made whenever. While they are baking, the kitchen is filled with the smell of winter holidays, and the main ingredients of these gingerbreads are a vitamin bomb that is not only delicious, but also good for your health. Every grandmother has her own version of gingerbread; if you want to spice it up a bit, this recipe is perfect for you!

Ingredients for gingerbread with lemon and cranberry

650 g flour
100 g butter
2 eggs
1 lemon
300 g of honey
100 g cranberries
200 g almonds
vanilla extract

Soak a lemon in a bowl with water and baking soda for 10-15 minutes. Mix butter with honey and add eggs. Peel and grate the ginger. Grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice. Add lemon, ginger and vanilla extract to the mixture of butter, honey and eggs. Then add flour mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda and combine everything. Lastly, add cranberries and chopped almonds. Rest the dough for at least half an hour. Then bake for 15 – 20 minutes at 180 oC.

What lemon, ginger and cranberries have in common – in addition to their refreshing taste – is the richness of antioxidants and vitamin C. It has also been proven that lemon and ginger decrease blood pressure, and cranberries reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Ginger tea is the best remedy for nausea as well as menstrual cramps. Lemon, ginger and cranberries can be combined not only in cookies but also in smoothies or salads. No matter how you eat them, they are equally healthy and tasty!

These gingerbreads with lemon and cranberry go great with hot tea. If you like them sweeter, feel free to add more honey or add cane sugar.

Find more of our delicious recipes and check out about Zu Tisch TV show ARTE filmed in Fruska gora.

The TV show Zu Tisch Vojvodina will premiere on 4th of December!

Text and photo:
Alisa Dinjaški